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Inicio :: Trenes :: Trenes en Europa :: Múnich → Praga

How to get from Munich to Prague by train

There are 2 direct trains between Munich (Germany) and Prague (Czech Republic). The journey takes 5h 56min.

Trenes directos.

El horario de los trenes para el jue 16. enero, 2025. Para comprobar la disponibilidad y los precios de su viaje, utilice nuestro sistema de reservas.

EC 365 Bavorský expres04:44 (04:44 AM)
München Hbf
10:22 (10:22 AM)
Praha hl.n.
Reservar billete
EC 353 Bavorský expres06:44 (06:44 AM)
München Hbf
12:22 (12:22 PM)
Praha hl.n.
Reservar billete
EC 355 Bavorský expres08:44 (08:44 AM)
München Hbf
14:22 (02:22 PM)
Praha hl.n.
Reservar billete
EC 357 Bavorský expres10:44 (10:44 AM)
München Hbf
16:22 (04:22 PM)
Praha hl.n.
Reservar billete
EC 359 Bavorský expres12:44 (12:44 PM)
München Hbf
18:22 (06:22 PM)
Praha hl.n.
Reservar billete
EC 361 Bavorský expres14:44 (02:44 PM)
München Hbf
20:22 (08:22 PM)
Praha hl.n.
Reservar billete
EC 363 Bavorský expres16:44 (04:44 PM)
München Hbf
22:22 (10:22 PM)
Praha hl.n.
Reservar billete
Horario válido de 2023-12-10 a 2024-12-14

Conexión indirecta: Múnich - Praga

De estaciónA estaciónTiempo del viajeCambios
München Hbf
Praha hl.n.
6:38 h1
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München Hbf
Praha hl.n.
6:38 h1
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Alternative railway connections between Munich and Prague

Alternatively there are connecting trains, which means you take the German RegionalExpress train from Munich to Schwandorf (Germany) and there you change to a train to Prague.

Enlaces: alojamiento

Hoteles en Múnich (Booking.com)

Hoteles en Praga (Booking.com)


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